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Book Luver's Newsletters

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Recent Results

Our open rates are between 25 and 46% and our click rates are between 3 and 13% based on the covers, descriptions, and pricing. On average, books in our newsletters get around 430 clicks.

We generate the clicks and thereafter, your book stands on its own two feet. Thus, it is vitally important the book cover, description, price, and sample pages all have to meet the reader's expectations to get sales or downloads.

If you're just as confident about your book cover, book description, and viewing sample that Amazon and bookshops show to readers, then you may want to consider being featured in our newsletters.

Optional Extras

When booking, you can select any extra options.
1. Follow Links - include your Facebook, Twitter, and Website links to encourage readers to follow you.

2. Click marketing - we will send another email to everyone who clicked your link with another offer, either another book to show them or sample chapters or a free book.

3. Book Blogger Blast: Have your book sent to 12K book bloggers. However, there is no guarantee. It depends on the quality of your cover. Our book blogger team will access your cover and give us the go-ahead to send it out. If they reject your cover after you have paid for the optional extra, we will refund your payment.

4. Genre Blast: Have your book resent to the genre mailing list of your choice.

5. Top Slot: Your book is shown in the top slot above the other books.

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