Emily McPherson is an author for young adult readers with several fantasy projects in the works. As a member of the LGBTQIA+ community, she strives to normalize seeing characters of the rainbow on the page without harmful stereotypes.

Emily found a love of storytelling while making up stories to entertain her younger cousins at family reunions. After one particularly riveting tale involving a duck and giraffe becoming best friends, she began to write down the stories she told in her Junie B. Jones notebook. As she grew up, her tastes in literature changed from KidLit to Young Adult, and it is there that she has found her home. She is an Irish dancer with a slight obsession with mythological creatures, and currently lives in Connecticut with her husband, son, and—the real mythological creatures—her two rescue pugs.

Emily McPherson's debut novel, Mother of the River, is available now. Find it wherever books are sold.