My name is Michael Benassi, I’m 33 years old and I am an Information Technology Engineer.

Although in my field of work I have achieved many goals I had set for myself, I always strive for new challenges, and expressing my creativity is something that I really need just as much as breathing. I’ve come to the conclusion that I want to share this creativity with others. This is why I decided to found an Indie video game company (Kurayami Yume Games) and write books in my free time. These are my creative outlets.
(You can find more about my creative endeavours at )

My stories usually take form in dreams (or during daydreaming), and then I develop them thinking about the incoherence of some aspects of our lives, and the way our world connects to each and everyone of us. I start with an idea that comes unexpectedly, and then work on it while I write in a sort of flow of consciousness.

I would love to expand on the short stories I created by either giving them their own series or making them into a movie or video game.
My Favourite Genres
How Heard