Nikki Auberkett is a cultural anthropologist, developmental editor, award-nominated author, and lifelong lover of the fae folk. With nearly 15 years of research and exploration into global folklore and mythology, biblical archaeology, and all things weird and unusual, she weaves her research and social science expertise into her personal love for fantasy fiction.

Her most recent debut, Ithandryll, is the culmination of over 23 years of writing and revisions—don’t do the math, but she started writing it when she was only eleven years old! Originally intended to be one stand-alone book, it is now the first of a planned 6-8 book series, Song of the Sidhe. The estimated discrepancy is based on her main characters’ terrible habit of never following the map.

When she’s not finding ways to vent about human rights via mythological retellings or triple-checking her notes on ancient seafaring voyagers, Nikki can be spotted periodically throughout the city of Chicago testing her limits of coffee intake (she has yet to find one).